[Vtigercrm-developers] Add variable in vitager pdfmaker

Alexander Allen alexander.allenz at gmail.com
Mon Apr 17 03:08:57 GMT 2023

Hola Jorge. Me refiero a este módulo adicional. Te consulté porque es mucho
más práctico que el template predeterminado de vtiger. Puede que te sirva


Tienen una versión gratuita que considero que puede servirte. Por eso era
mi pregunta si lo habías utilizado

El domingo, 16 de abril de 2023, Jorge Eduardo Olaya Perdomo <
jorgeeolayap at gmail.com> escribió:

> Thank you Alexander for answering.
> If I have used it, I fail to see the scope of your question.
> If I place myself in a profile of a normal user, I understand how the tool
> works.
> I am trying to understand the code to be able to add two fields that are
> in the vtiger_inventoryproductrel table which are quantity_pending and
> quantity_sent and add them to the quote template
> El dom, 16 abr 2023 a la(s) 20:54, Alexander Allen (
> alexander.allenz at gmail.com) escribió:
>> Have you use Vtiger PDFMaker from it4you?
>> El domingo, 16 de abril de 2023, Jorge Eduardo Olaya Perdomo <
>> jorgeeolayap at gmail.com> escribió:
>>> There is a module for vtiger that is pdfmaker In this module you can
>>> make templates and parameterize the combinable fields
>>> I want to add two more variables to this list of variables
>>> In the pdfmaker script there are these lines
>>> $Product_Fields["PRODUCTQUANTITY"] = vtranslate("LBL_VARIABLE_QUANTITY",
>>> "PDFMaker"); $Product_Fields["PRODUCTUSAGEUNIT"] =
>>> vtranslate("LBL_VARIABLE_USAGEUNIT", "PDFMaker"); $Product_Fields["PRODUCTLISTPRICE"]
>>> = vtranslate("LBL_VARIABLE_LISTPRICE", "PDFMaker");
>>> $Product_Fields["PRODUCTTOTAL"] = vtranslate("LBL_PRODUCT_TOTAL",
>>> "PDFMaker"); $Product_Fields["PRODUCTDISCOUNT"] =
>>> vtranslate("LBL_VARIABLE_DISCOUNT", "PDFMaker"); $Product_Fields["PRODUCTDISCOUNTPERCENT"]
>>> = vtranslate("LBL_VARIABLE_DISCOUNT_PERCENT", "PDFMaker");
>>> $Product_Fields["PRODUCTVATPERCENT"] = vtranslate("LBL_PRODUCT_VAT_PERCENT",
>>> "PDFMaker"); $Product_Fields["PRODUCTVATSUM"] =
>>> vtranslate("LBL_PRODUCT_VAT_SUM", "PDFMaker"); $Product_Fields["PRODUCTTOTALSUM"]
>>> = vtranslate("LBL_PRODUCT_TOTAL_VAT", "PDFMaker");
>>> $result["SELECT_PRODUCT_FIELD"] = $Product_Fields;
>>> I added
>>> "PDFMaker"); $Product_Fields["PRODUCTQUANTITYSEND"] =
>>> vtranslate("LBL_VARIABLE_QUANTITYSEND", "PDFMaker");
>>> but in the template it does not match me
>>> How do I get it to combine?
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>>>  Jorge Eduardo Olaya Perdomo
>>> jorgeeolayap at gmail.com
>>> Celular: 3223426320
>>> Código postal: 730005
>> _______________________________________________
>> http://www.vtiger.com/
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