[Vtigercrm-developers] What is the purpose of a Vendor???
Joe Bordes
joe at tsolucio.com
Tue Aug 9 08:58:18 GMT 2022
move the "money" to the payment module and do the balance there
On 9/8/22 10:43, Alan Lord wrote:
> I'm looking at moving my own business data from an old ERP system into
> vtiger (it's *really* old and unmaintainable any more). And my needs
> are pretty straightforward.
> This old ERP system does have a proper accounting backend and as such
> you record both invoices that you send to your customers and also
> invoices that you receive from your own suppliers.
> In this system, the equivalent of the Organisation record has two
> checkboxes:
> * Customer
> * Supplier
> You can check both, one or none of these checkboxes which basically
> covers all the bases in terms of businesses you might have a
> relationship with.
> Then Customer and Supplier Invoices are _essentially_ the same records
> but with an internal "flag" to indicate the direction of the money
> flow. It then makes it fairly easy to work out your balance sheet by
> comparing invoices in to invoices out.
> Has anyone "fixed" vtiger to work more like this?
> Thanks in advance
> Al
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