[Vtigercrm-developers] feature: create all invoices of a recurring salesorder ahead of time

Angelo Paglialonga info at angelopaglialonga.com
Wed Apr 13 14:26:11 GMT 2022

Hi Alan, I would like to add that sales orders are useful for product selling businesses, ecommerce stores and services businesses with a long sales process.
All the best

Angelo Paglialonga
Consulente per soluzioni CRM ad alto ROI.

Telefono: 3386077866
Skype: angelo.paglialonga
Web: https://www.angelopaglialonga.com

> Il giorno 13 apr 2022, alle ore 16:10, Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com> ha scritto:
> On 13/04/2022 14:42, Martin Allen wrote:
>> Can you explain the business case / process behind generating Invoices from Sales Orders? My understanding was that Sales Orders were generated from Invoices….?
> In my albeit limited experience of implementing ERP systems, Sales Orders were generally used as an interim document to be used internally for resource scheduling, planning, and occasionally generating Purchase orders, once a Quotation had been accepted. The Invoice was genreally created after this.
> I should also add, that the vast majority of business I came across never used Sales Orders at all.
> Alan
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