[Vtigercrm-developers] Composer

Prasad prasad at vtiger.com
Fri Jul 23 14:36:10 GMT 2021


I know I'm too late on this thread - did some homework using composer
and npm packages got some questions that need assistance:

1. With composer  - we are not expected to package the dependencies?
Would admin expected to (composer install) command-line and then launch the

2. When a package need update in subsequent version of Vtiger
Would admin be expected to (composer update) command-line and then launch
the migration.php?

3. What if composer fails with unmet / unavailable packages - should
install.php or
migration.php check if all dependencies was installed?

4. How would composer work on hosting providers (who provide Cpanel or FTP)
based site management?


On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 2:47 AM Adam Heinz <amh at metricwise.net> wrote:

> Has anyone on the vtiger team looked into the use of Composer to supply
> dependencies?  It would certainly make things a little more flexible,
> reduce the size of the download, and discourage the light hacking that
> tends to go on when you have the code checked into the main development
> branch.
> http://getcomposer.org/
> I recently wired our systems up to use it to pull in the Sauce Labs
> "sausage" Selenium web driver for our automated tests.  Doing a bit more
> research, it seems to be the *de facto *replacement for PEAR these days.
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> http://www.vtiger.com/
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