[Vtigercrm-developers] No webservices access to Reports module?
Joe Bordes
joe at tsolucio.com
Tue Feb 23 14:12:11 GMT 2021
Create a web serivice actor module.
Nice idea!
On 23/2/21 13:53, Alan Lord wrote:
> This is really a request for an enhancement to the WS API.
> I would like to be able to use the common WS methods, describe,
> retrieve, query etc., on the vtiger Reports module.
> But because the module is not an entity type and has no "fields" in
> the vtiger sense of a field, there is no way to access Records of the
> Report module using vtws (I have tried).
> Basically I would like to be able to create a custom module which has
> a relationship to a Report record (like a UI type 10), and then
> subsequently access and use the data that is returned when a Report is
> run (whilst staying within the permissions structure of the Report
> record).
> I'm fairly sure I can do what I want by using the APIs in the the View
> and Model classes of the Report module itself but this is not likely
> to be accepted by the Marketplace I guess?
> Al
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