[Vtigercrm-developers] Report records count error
Joe Bordes
joe at tsolucio.com
Mon Feb 22 23:14:09 GMT 2021
Hi Henry
Can you try a UNION?
SELECT count(*) AS count
(select vtiger_contactdetails.contactid,vtiger_potential.potentialid
LEFT JOIN vtiger_reptmptbl_16022b18c38f2c3425974780 AS
vtiger_contactdetails ON vtiger_potential.contact_id =
select vtiger_contactdetails.contactid,vtiger_potential.potentialid
LEFT JOIN vtiger_reptmptbl_16022b18c38f2c3425974780 AS
vtiger_contactdetails ON vtiger_contactdetails.contactid =
) as counttable
On 12/2/21 18:06, Henry Cumbicus Rivera wrote:
> Hello Alan,
> this is the result when I do the explain to the query
> Explain query: https://prnt.sc/z8mn7y
> image.png
> El vie, 12 feb 2021 a las 3:33, Alan Lord (<alanslists at gmail.com
> <mailto:alanslists at gmail.com>>) escribió:
> On 11/02/2021 22:54, Rubén A. Estrada Orozco wrote:
> > Maybe using the "EXPLAIN" mysql function to see what indexes are
> being
> > used, then trying to modify the query accordingly and/or add
> indexes to
> > your database.
> This is correct IMHO. Use EXPLAIN to see why the query is taking so
> long. Also you could try enabling the slow query log in mysql.
> You are probably missing an index somewhere.
> Al
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Henry C.
> Tel.: 956727976
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/
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