[Vtigercrm-developers] API

Sukhdev Mohan s.mohan at myti.it
Thu Nov 12 08:21:09 GMT 2020

1. Sure the sw knows what operation to call but there might be non synced data. Also This way you don’t have to implement logics across various platforms, so changes aren’t a hell.

2. I’ll test and let you know.

Best Regards,
Sukhdev Mohan | Software Developer

> Il giorno 12 nov 2020, alle ore 09:13, Martin Allen <martin.allen at clystnet.com> ha scritto:
> 1) I'd question why you want to do this? Surely the software calling the API knows whether it needs to do an Update or Create (if you don't have an ID for the data then its Create, if you do then its an Update?) 
> 2)Never tried it  - I've always followed the guidance that when doing an Update you should always retrieve the whole record first, then change the data, then Update it. This would suggest that by not sending some LineItems that they would be removed. If they didn't get removed by doing this how else would you remove a LineItem from the record? (Although thinking about it LineItems are a separate module accessible via API, so you could perform a delete operation on an individual LineItem that way? Like I said havent tried it, but would be intrigued to know what happens when you test it out.
> Martin Allen
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> On Thu, 12 Nov 2020 at 08:06, Sukhdev Mohan <s.mohan at myti.it <mailto:s.mohan at myti.it>> wrote:
> Upping this, anyone knows?
> Best Regards,
> Sukhdev Mohan | Software Developer
>> Il giorno 10 nov 2020, alle ore 22:20, Sukhdev Mohan <s.mohan at myti.it <mailto:s.mohan at myti.it>> ha scritto:
>> Hi All,
>> I’ve some questions, I hope someone will help me answer them. I’m on Vtiger 7.0
>> 1. Is there a way that Vtiger API can know which operation is to do? eg. I send EntityName and EntityData, can the CRM know if it’s a creation/update? Is it possible to Implement?
>> 2. Entity with LineItems: What happens if a for example quotes is subject to multiple changes and the other software is calling api with the diff, so only the new line are sent. Does the CRM adds the new line items to the quote or it deletes the previous ones and only maintains the new ones? 
>> 3. Login: can we use JWT to other strong token systems?
>> Best Regards,
>> Sukhdev Mohan | Software Developer
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