[Vtigercrm-developers] Workflow

Rubén A. Estrada Orozco rulotec1 at gmail.com
Fri May 29 20:18:59 GMT 2020

One approach would be to use vtiger workflows: put the conditions that the
workflow should execute whenever the description or the status change and
use an "update field" action.

You can also check vtiger eventhandlers. There is a beforesave event and an
aftersave event that can be useful. There are plenty of examples of such
eventhandlers. Take a look at vtiger_eventhanderls db table.


On Fri, May 29, 2020 at 3:10 PM Sukhdev Mohan <s.mohan at myti.it> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I’m trying to know when a field in Calendar is updated and have to update
> a date field in the same (weird demand I know, there is update tab but they
> want it outside).
> Any one know how can I check if taskstatus or description is changed and
> then update a field in Tasks?
> Question number 2: workflow is triggered after committing to db? Is There
> a way to intercept the call something pre inset/update/delete? To put it
> formally, are there before and after event? If yes how to use them? If not
> is there a way to achieve this?
> Best Regards,
> Sukhdev Mohan
> ———————————
> Cel. (+39) 320 7020345
> Email s.mohan at myti.it <s.mohan at myti.it>
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