[Vtigercrm-developers] 7.3 RC Release.

Rubén A. Estrada Orozco rulotec1 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 17:57:14 GMT 2020

Hi Sukhdev,

Of course there is the gitlab repository where you could search issue by
issue but that's not very practical. I think there should be a concise
summary list of the new features and bug fixes like this:

When you install vtiger you can go to vtigercrm/Release_Notes.html where
you see something like this:

[image: image.png]

The first link takes you to this page:
https://community.vtiger.com/help/vtigercrm/releasenotes.html which, as you
can see, doesn't help very much from 7.0.1 onwards.

I think the ideal would be to have release notes like in the case of 5.4 in
the wiki.

For 7.3, these are the features I can remember:

* Ability to delete fields in mass edit in list views.
* Clear filters in list views.
* Select landing page on a per-user basis.
* display Next Invoice Date in recurring Sales Orders.
* custom translations folder in languages (gives the ability to only change
the strings you want to change without modifying existing language files
which can be overwritten when updating vtiger)



On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 10:43 AM Sukhdev Mohan <s.mohan at myti.it> wrote:

> Hi Uma,
> That’s great news! Is there any changelog and list of new/improved
> features?
> Best Regards,
> Sukhdev Mohan
> ———————————
> Cel. (+39) 320 7020345
> Email s.mohan at myti.it <s.mohan at myti.it>
> Il giorno 26 ago 2020, alle ore 17:15, Uma S <uma.s at vtiger.com> ha
> scritto:
> Dear Developer,
> We are happy to announce the 7.3 RCA Release, Please do find the resource
> in our website
> <https://www.vtiger.com/open-source-crm/download-open-source/>
>    - Source
>    - Migration Patch
>    - Customer portal extension.
> Do report the issues on code.vtiger.com with title prefixed with 7.3RC,
> We will be reviewing the issues on severity and then ahead towards GA
> release.
> --
> With
> Best Regards
> Uma.S
> Vtiger Team
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/
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