[Vtigercrm-developers] Vtiger - Facebook leads integration

Rubén A. Estrada Orozco rulotec1 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 22 04:24:28 GMT 2020

Hi Stéphane,

Ok, then I will use separate instances.

One further question. This is my myddleware dir structure:
[image: image.png]

I imagine that only the web directory should be publicly accessible.  Right
now I have everything accessible via a web browser. How/where do I change
the application path configuration after myddleware has already been
installed if I want to move my installation?

Please let me know if you prefer this kind of questions to also be posted
on GitHub instead of here (I wasn't sure where to ask)

Tanks a lot!



On Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 3:27 AM Stéphane Faure <stephanefaure at myddleware.com>

> Hi Ruben,
> Thank you for posting your question on our forum. We plan to work on it
> this week.
> If you have many clients, yes you could do it in a single Myddleware.
> However I advise you to separate your projects in several Myddleware’s
> instances. For example, il you have maintenance to do, or a synchronisation
> to stop for a client, it would be easier with separeted instances.
> Other thing, for now, we can’t run different tasks in the same time, the
> rules run one by one. It is one of our next big Myddleware’s topic to be
> able to make parrallel task😉. So if one of your client has a lot of data
> to transfer, it could slow down the synchronisation of other projects.
> Hope it answer your questions.
> Stephane Faure
> *De :* vtigercrm-developers-bounces at lists.vtigercrm.com <
> vtigercrm-developers-bounces at lists.vtigercrm.com> *De la part de* Rubén
> A. Estrada Orozco
> *Envoyé :* lundi 20 avril 2020 22:03
> *À :* vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com
> *Objet :* Re: [Vtigercrm-developers] Vtiger - Facebook leads integration
> Hi Stéphane!
> Thanks for your very detailed response. You are right, the errors seem to
> be duplicates.
> It would be nice though to have the email as a duplicate criteria. I have
> opened the issue on GitLab for that as well as another one for another
> minor issue regarding the names of vtiger's fields.
> I would also like to ask another question. In my case I have many clients
> that use Vtiger and might benefit from myddleware. Would you recommend
> creating separate instances of myddleware for each of them or would you
> recommend a single myddleware instance for managing all of them?
> Once again, thanks for your help. I would encourage everyone in this forum
> to try myddleware and join the project on GitHub.
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/
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