[Vtigercrm-developers] Interested? Multiple Portals with different permissions

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Fri Jun 21 10:10:04 GMT 2019

On 21/06/2019 10:33, nilay khatri wrote:
> Okay, get your point.
> One might suggest linking the Roles with Portal. So instead of defining 
> the permissions in Portal configuration, whatever permissions are 
> defined in the Role would be applied.
> But, then why do we need a Portal :) ?

I kind of agree with this. I've said it to several customers before - 
why not just create some restricted user profiles and roles and let them 
login that way, but there is an argument for a very limited interface - 
like the portal, and also the portal can fairly easily be placed on the 
public side of a corporate network and just the Portal<->vtiger API 
comms allowed through the firewall.

But it's kind of the point. IMHO the portal should be a "small" or 
"simple" view of the CRM. It should be configurable to the same extent 
as the CRM. Placing arbitrary restrictions on what can be done and/or by 
whom is not something which should be dictated by the system itself. 
These are dictated by the specific business needs and none of us can 
realistically expect to predict all of the possible use-cases...



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