[Vtigercrm-developers] Is it possible to get the vtiger_quotestagehistory table to set a custom date field when a quote first become e.g 'delivered'

ian_hammersley ian.hammersley at smartebusiness.co.uk
Thu Jun 20 21:32:39 GMT 2019

hi guys, 

i'd like to do this for all quotes we have in vtiger for the past few years. 

i want to see how many quotes were set to a certain quote stage by month. 

to confirm, i have : 

created a date field on the quote with the label of 'date of approved'
i want to set the date, that the quote first became 'current project' 
(which is one of our quote stages)

i can see the vtiger_quotestagehistory showing me the quoteid and when it
first became each stage, but how can i get this to date stamp this field?

we have the workflow designer, if that helps.

thanks everyone!


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