[Vtigercrm-developers] Documentation for open source, taken down? (wiki.vtiger.com)

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Wed Jun 12 09:29:09 GMT 2019

Thanks Sreenivas,

I guess this is more for Prasad but I can I make a request?

When you start making changes to the main branch(es) in code.vtiger.com, 
please, please, please, can you NOT dump in single HUGE commits?

It is far more helpful if done with individual commits where each is 
referenced to a Ticket, if one exists, and/or has a sensible comment 
stating what it is for/what it does.



On 12/06/2019 09:52, Sreenivas Kanumuru wrote:
> Here is a brief update on the next releases
> Next Releases
>  1. Vtiger 7.2 - Sep/Oct release
>      1. Address critical functionaly feature-gaps and bugs  (Fixes for
>         security vulnerabilities are released within a week of reporting)
>  2. Vtiger 8 -  Q2 2020
>      1. Rehaul of code to be compatible with latest version of PHP and
>         MySQL (ex: PHP 7 and 8 are removing support for many earlier
>         functions)
>      2. We will adopting best practices to make the product light weight
>         and improve extensibility. This means the core might have less
>         modules while the marketplace will offer many more modules. 
> thank you,
> Sreenivas

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