[Vtigercrm-developers] Okay to replace 7.0.1 file with 6.4 version?

Sutharsan Jeganathan ajstharsan at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 08:26:01 GMT 2018

Hi Alex

I tried the ModuleBuilder from Technokraft. It works. And it is not
necessary to replace vtlib/thirdparty/dZip.php, because the recent version
because it users zip library from modules/ModuleBuilder/utils.

Few issues I had to fix is

in modules/ModuleBuilder/actions/BuildModule.php  under function
Changed primary key 'default' value to NOT NULL
$primarykey    = '`recordid` int(25) *NOT* NULL, ';

and applied strtolower() in
/modules/ModuleBuilder/Module_Template/ModuleFile/ModuleFile.php  under
function createUserFieldTable()
    $sql    =    "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS
( ...

Sutharsan Jeganathan

On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 12:15 AM, Alex Hall <ahall at autodist.com> wrote:

> Hello list,
> I downloaded a module that lets me build other modules. Here's the link:
> http://www.technokrafts.com/technokrafts-shop/vtiger-crm-
> addons/vtiger-module-builder/?attribute_select-vtiger-version=7.0.1
> The website states that customers have reported failure to import the
> resulting modules, and I ran into exactly that problem. The stated fix is
> this:
> "Kindly note this issue is due to a bug in vTiger’s 6.5.0, 7.0.0 and 7.0.1
> code. This file: /vtiger/vtlib/thirdparty/dZip.inc.php in vTiger is
> buggy. Please change/replace this same file by the same file from vTiger
> 6.4 and it will work properly."
> Obviously, it makes me nervous to just go replacing files with ones from
> old versions. Is this okay to do in this case? Will an upcoming patch
> address whatever bugs are causing this problem? Or should I simply not use
> this module, and try to find another one? This is the only free one I've
> discovered so far, so I hope I can get it to work. Thanks for any help.
> --
> Alex Hall
> Automatic Distributors, IT department
> ahall at autodist.com
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