[Vtigercrm-developers] Licenses in Vtiger
Joe Bordes
joe at tsolucio.com
Wed Feb 21 13:30:44 GMT 2018
In my list of licenses for coreBOS I have
iCal LGPL from here:
I don't know about the others.
On 21/02/18 13:14, Błażej Pabiszczak wrote:
> We were cleaning up licenses in our system and we found a few
> libraries that are in Vtiger but we didn't find under what licenses
> they were released:
> * http://code.vtiger.com/vtiger/vtigercrm/blob/master/libraries/jquery/jquery.class.min.js
> * http://code.vtiger.com/vtiger/vtigercrm/tree/master/modules/Calendar/iCal
> * http://code.vtiger.com/vtiger/vtigercrm/blob/master/libraries/jquery/jquery.additions.js
> * http://code.vtiger.com/vtiger/vtigercrm/blob/master/resources/jquery.additions.js
> Do you know under what licenses these libraries were released when you
> added them to the system? Do you have a list of all libraries used in
> Vtiger together with the info about their licenses?
> ---
> Z poważaniem / Regards
> *Błażej Pabiszczak*
> M: +48.884999123
> E: b.pabiszczak at yetiforce.com <mailto:b.pabiszczak at yetiforce.com>
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.vtiger.com/
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