[Vtigercrm-developers] Create user with API in vtiger 7

iko irina_k6 at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 3 08:40:13 GMT 2018

Hi, here is the script I am using

//create User using library
$moduleName = 'Users';
//fill in the details of the User. Creating userId is obtained from
$userData  = array(
	'email1' => 'norep at drwho.tld',
	// you should define almost all the fields
$create = $cbconn->doCreate($moduleName, $userData);

//check whether the requested operation was successful or not.
if($create) {
	//operation was successful get the response.
} else {
	echo "Create failed<br>";
	$err = $cbconn->lastError();
	echo $err['code'].': '.$err['message'];


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