[Vtigercrm-developers] Arbitrary days not available for event recurrence?

Alex Hall ahall at autodist.com
Tue Apr 10 20:32:01 GMT 2018

Hi all,
Our test user has discovered something odd. If he tries to make an event
recur, he can set it for a specific day of each month, or the first or last
Monday, Tuesday, etc of each month. He cannot, however, select the second,
third, or fourth Monday, Tuesday, etc. That is, if he wants an event to
repeat every first Monday of the month, that's fine. If he wants it to be
the third Thursday of each month, that's not available.

What's the reason for this restriction? Is there a way I can fix it? It
feels like an odd limit to impose, since VTiger is already looking up dates
and calculating things. I looked through calendar/ RepeatEvents.php, but I
didn't find a function there that would be how VTiger finds these dates.
Thanks for any ideas.

Alex Hall
Automatic Distributors, IT department
ahall at autodist.com
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