[Vtigercrm-developers] Field Validator classes?

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Mon Apr 9 09:29:12 GMT 2018

It's "kind of" working but I can't work out how to replace the error 

In my custom javascript library during the "registerEvents()" call I 
have added a new function called setValidators().

>     setValidators : function() {
>         jQuery.validator.methods.phone = function(value, element, params) {
> 		    try {
> 			    if(!value) return true;
> 			    var tenDigitRegex = /(^[0-9]{10})$/ ;
> 			    var result = tenDigitRegex.test(value);
> 			    if (!result) {
> 				    return false;
> 			    }
> 			    return true;
> 		    } catch(err) {
> 			    console.log(err);
> 			    return false;
> 		    }
>         }, function(params, element) {return app.vtranslate('Number must be 10 digits only')}
>     },

This indeed now validates all phone fields to be 10 digits only, which 
is what I want. But the error message is coming from the the vtiger 
validation file so when you try and enter an invalid value into the 
field it says

 > "Please enter the correct date"

How do I replace the error message without changing core files?

According to the docs maybe I can't...




On 09/04/18 09:36, Alan Lord wrote:
> I was looking to port a mod I have made to a validator in the 
> modules/Vtiger/resources/validator/FieldValidator.js file from vtiger 6 
> to vtiger 7.

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