[Vtigercrm-developers] Discussion about Sidebar in Vtiger 7

IT-Solutions4You info at its4you.sk
Fri Mar 24 10:37:32 GMT 2017


vtiger change number from 6.1 to 6.2 then 6.3 later 6.4 and now 6.5 all 
our extensions are compatible so our customer don't need buy new License 
for new vtiger 6.x version. Now vtiger change the logic how extensions 
should works. It's not only change number, we need spent time to learn 
it and develop it. Maybe it's better we start using 12 motnhs 
Subscription and in this case you can use extension for any vtiger version.


Dňa 24. 3. 2017 o 6:40 Maximilian von Henkel napísal(a):
> Imagine Joomla users have to buy the same extension because Joomla
> changed number?
> Vtiger instead of removing bugs and improving stability, ripping off
> users and keep fake relation
> with developers (feeding them with carrot) who dream that they will get
> sweet income.
> Maxi
> On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 7:47 PM, IT-Solutions4You
> <info at its4you.sk
> <mailto:info at its4you.sk>> wrote:
>     Yes, there are some "limitations" without Sidebar in Vtiger 7, like
>     our Payments extensions show related paymnets with SUM in left
>     sidebar in vtiger6.
>     We need to learn/find how to implement it for vtiger7 and make it
>     vtiger compatible. And this is the reason why License for vtiger 6.x
>     cann't be transferred into 7.x without additional cost (from our view).
>     Matus
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