[Vtigercrm-developers] Encrypt portal users passwords?

Doug sailsfast at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 22:32:26 GMT 2017

Because vtiger is slow and some times never applies submitted bug fixes

On Feb 22, 2017 10:59 AM, "Sutharsan Jeganathan" <ajstharsan at gmail.com>

> Hi Matus
> Why did you release it as an extension. Even doesn't matter whether it is
> free, but I think it could be a bug fix into code.vtiger.com. Correct?
> If it is an extension and if possible to modify system tables, it could
> be  a security threat when admin password is compromised. But I cannot see
> any restrictions of installing a module in module manager, which can modify
> system tables. In this case you said is correct.
> Thanks
> Sutharsan Jeganathan
> On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 9:01 PM, IT-Solutions4You <info at its4you.sk> wrote:
>> Reset password functionality was added to vtiger Marketplace (we was
>> thinking about FREE extension), but was not published from this reason:
>> This module directly manipulates system table having confidential
>> information - not acceptable.
>> Matus
>> Dňa 22. 2. 2017 o 15:32 socialboostdk napísal(a):
>>> Excellent - thank you very much!
>>> Ok, the reset functionality i can then just fix and send as a suggestion
>>> for the VT-team.
>>> Do you know if its possible to pull that part isolated (the target
>>> implementation is vt 6.3) and implement, or does it involve a bigger
>>> part of the platform?
>>> Best,
>>> Chris
>>> On 21 February 2017 at 18:45, Alan Lord
>>> <alanslists at gmail.com
>>> <mailto:alanslists at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>     On 21/02/17 17:23, socialboostdk wrote:
>>>         Hi there,
>>>         Currently contacts / portal-users password are stored as
>>>         plain-text. I
>>>         have a request to change those into some encrypted form.
>>>     This was changed in vtiger 6.5.0.
>>>     But the reset password functionality is broken.
>>>     Al
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