[Vtigercrm-developers] vt7: Inconsistency in views

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 10:09:04 GMT 2017

I am struggling a bit to achieve something in Edit View which was fairly 
straightforward in Detail View.

I have vtlib module called, for example,  "SVS". There is a UI10 field 
in this module which links to another module called, for example, 

In the Satellite module is various information and configuration data. 
Once a Satellite has been selected in the SVS module I want to use some 
of the information in the Satellite to limit values within a Picklist of 
the SVS module.

In Detail View, this was fairly easy. I had to make some minor tweaks to 
the Detail and Index View Classes of my module and it works just fine... 
(I remove the values I do not want inside the setModuleInfo() function 
call of the Index View),

However in Edit View the picklist values are not loaded until almost the 
very final stage where the Picklist template is loaded and it calls for 
(this is despite the fact that setModuleInfo() is called previously but 
the info is ignored, so it is probably wasted cycles anyway):

> {assign var="FIELD_INFO" value=$FIELD_MODEL->getFieldInfo()}

> {assign var=PICKLIST_VALUES value=$FIELD_MODEL->getPicklistValues()}

(NB: you have a typo... Missing " around the PICKLIST_VALUES assignment)

I have come across this issue in the past where in the Field Model, I 
have no way of finding/retrieving the parent RecordModel so I could 
potentially do some processing of the Picklist values at the Field Model 

Anyone got a suggestions?



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