[Vtigercrm-developers] vt7 Workflow: Update field task...

Joe Bordes joe at tsolucio.com
Mon Dec 18 12:37:39 GMT 2017

Expected behaviour:


On 18/12/17 12:36, Alan Lord wrote:
> I have two workflows. The first is triggered on a Quotation and it 
> runs two Workflow tasks. the first is a custom workflow function which 
> auto-generates a Sales Order when the user sets the Quote to Accepted. 
> The second is the Update Field Task and it is setting the Sales Stage 
> of the parent Opportunity to a specific value.
> I then have a custom Workflow function on the Opportunity to do 
> various things. I wanted this workflow to be triggered by the 
> preceeding workflow which is updating the Sales Stage value. But it 
> doesn;t seem to be triggering. It has correctly updated the Sales 
> Stage, but this has not then fired the workflow. If I simply open and 
> save the Opportunity the workflow works.
> Is this the expected behaviour? I always assumed that Workflow tasks 
> like this would cause a save event...
> Al
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