[Vtigercrm-developers] Add doc relation

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Tue Apr 25 11:48:15 GMT 2017

On 25/04/17 10:14, iko wrote:
> Thank you for insight, Al. And one more question. When you implement the
> system to your client, do you charge them for fixing all the bugs and
> misfunctions that come with the 'clean' version? Plus for necessary
> extensions? How much would such implementation cost to the customer?

If a customer finds a bug that *affects* them and we have to 
investigate, diagnose a produce a fix then yes, we charge. For others 
bugs and issues that were are aware of and already have patches for then 
not usually no.

The cost of an implementation is impossible to say like that. It can 
vary from just a few hours to help a client setup and provide some basic 
training for an administrator, through to many man-months of work 
depending on what the requirement is. We have some very large vtiger 
systems (tens of millions of rows of data, hundreds of simultaneous 
users) with complex integration to other systems.

> There is quite a lot of competition on the CRM market, and margins are
> squeezed. Asking customer to pay $199 USD extra for an extension is not
> popular.

There is loads of competition - that is a good thing :-)

If you are referring to GeoTools at $199, then it is a unique product 
which provides an extension to vtiger for those customers who want it 
(lots of customers apparently do want it a appreciate what it provides). 
But, if you don't need it you don't need to buy it.



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