[Vtigercrm-developers] vtiger 6.5.0 Document File Upload in Quick Create filesize limit?

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 09:43:04 GMT 2017

We have a customer running 6.5.0 and we have edited the php.ini and the 
$upload_maxsize in config.inc.php so that we can upload files up to 8MB 
in size.

This works fine in Detail View (Full form) but not when you are in 

The file is accepted by the quickview form and it correctly displays the 
file size and the allowed Maximum. But if I try and upload a file of 
more than 5MB the upload just hangs [see attached screenshot). If choose 
"Go to full form" and do it from there it's fine.

In the javascript console there are no errors.

Anyone got any ideas?


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