[Vtigercrm-developers] Sick design and sick result

Tony Sandman tonysandman999 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 15:31:23 GMT 2016

I did test and Somsak is right.... but I had previously deleted 100k
records... how to get only those deleted seconds ago? Why records list in
the between of different modules is not unified? (users, trash bin, entity
modules). What query language is used in lists filtering?
Between this 100k records was many various stuff deleted through few past
months...imagine hassle of managing it?

Tony S

On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 10:17 PM, Somsak Artwawoot <somsak6som at gmail.com>

> Well... sad to say but vtiger programmers must be out of the space.
> Beside many many many crap code stuff one get me down that much that I
> still
> can not recover after few hour of loosing my precious private time.
> So...gents, to make your life funny try to enter 36 organizations with
> name "????" (no quotes)
> Yea, system will warn that it duplicate, but dont mind. Imagine you import
> crap with characters vtiger don like (like Asian stuff). So you got 36
> organizations....and another 4500 older records. Let say this 36 is newly
> imported. Now go to the list view... enter in the filter field "???" hit
> Enter and you will get all 36 organizations in the list... yea?   OK. Now
> select them and delete.
> Wait.... wait.... and wait... once you are patient enough, you will find
> that all your damn records has been deleted.
> Enjoy this crap guys.... I am out.... thought I can play serious game here
> Somsak
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