[Vtigercrm-developers] Performance and Installation Process
Manuel Fernando
ptdesigner at gmail.com
Thu Oct 6 11:02:33 GMT 2016
Just co correct: is DatabaseSchema.xml and not InitSchema.php
> At least combine some because i see double workflows, lots of junk code not needed and at the same time, set in the InitSchema.php the minimum tables set to InnoDB and the the others MyISAM.
Best Regards.
> No dia 05/10/2016, às 22:33, Manuel Fernando <ptdesigner at gmail.com> escreveu:
> Yes Alan,
> At least combine some because i see double workflows, lots of junk code not needed and at the same time, set in the InitSchema.php the minimum tables set to InnoDB and the the others MyISAM.
> This needs to be specified because in some systems, all tables are created in InnoDB (really slow install) and in other systems, without count them, (+-) 50% InnoDB and 50% MyISAM (really quick installation).
> So i assume that in the second case, those are the minimum tables for InnoDB.
> I appreciate some clarification on this so things can go faster. I imagine a lot of people that want to give a try on this crm and they just give up
> because of this “small” things.
> Best Regards.
> Manuel
>> No dia 05/10/2016, às 18:34, Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com> escreveu:
>> On 05/10/16 18:11, Manuel Fernando wrote:
>>> Hello again,
>>> Don’t you guys agree that when each update (migration) is released,
>>> installation is getting massive?
>>> I see now in different systems since 6.4 6.5 and 6.6(not released yet)
>>> installation takes a lot to finish. This is because installation uses
>>> the migration files (540_to_600RC.php, 600_to_610.php, etc)
>>> Is a good idea or not combine an pre ready .sql to populate database in
>>> installation?
>> There does need to be a different approach I completely agree.
>> These migration scripts are full of bugs and errors. I was very surprised when I discovered that a clean installation runs through these too.
>> I have spent a lot of time fixing most of the issues and speeding up the migration scripts where possible and I now run them from the command line only. They take so long to run (the ones from 5.4.0 to 6.0.0 and 6.0.0 to 6.1.0 are the main problems) on a large database that doing it via the web interface would never work.
>> Al
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