[Vtigercrm-developers] Recurring Invoices?

Joe Bordes joe at tsolucio.com
Wed Mar 30 10:00:15 GMT 2016

The recurring invoices are created until the internal dates are 
"current". That means, that if you have had the cron stopped for 5 
months, and then put it back on, each run will create a new invoice 
until you are up to date (today). I suspect that the 
"last_recurring_date" is incorrectly set for this (these) SO so each 
time the cron launches it creates new invoices and uptades the 
last_recurring_date one step.

In short: set correctly the last_recurring_date and you should be ok.

We use this part of the application a lot and always have. It works 
correctly, at least on 5.x

On 30/03/16 11:38, Alan Lord wrote:
> We have a customer which has a few Sales Orders configured as 
> recurring with a frequency of Monthly (See attached).
> However, vtiger is creating two Invoices every day!
> The Recurring Invoice scheduler is configured to run every 12 hours.
> This is a part of vtiger which I have never known a customer use 
> before...
> So before I start digging I wonder if anyone else has seen this kind 
> of problem before?
> it's a vtiger 6.4.0 system on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
> Al
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Un saludo

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