[Vtigercrm-developers] Transfer Ownership Question

johnnyrockets johnb at newsreview.com
Wed Mar 16 00:28:39 GMT 2016

Hi All,

I'm having some difficulties with the Transfer Ownership feature in Vtiger. 
I hope that maybe I'm missing something and that someone might be able to
shed some light on a solution.  I'm currently using Vtiger 6.3.0 on a Debian
Wheezy host.

I'm trying to track when an account owner changes.  I've created a workflow
that is triggered when an organization is updated and the assigned to field
is modified.  When triggered, this workflow toggles the notify owner field
in the organization.  This works great when I edit an organization directly. 
However, if I use the transfer ownership action, the workflow doesn't seem
to be triggered.  Also, it appears to me that the transfer ownership action
doesn't update the modified_by or modified_time fields in the
vtiger_crmentity table for that organization.

Am I missing something here?  Are all events that are performed using the
transfer ownership action not being recorded?  Furthermore, these updates
don't seem to appear in the updates block in the Accounts Detail view.


View this message in context: http://vtiger-crm.2324883.n4.nabble.com/Transfer-Ownership-Question-tp18660.html
Sent from the vtigercrm-developers mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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