[Vtigercrm-developers] Large database

Sutharsan Jeganathan ajstharsan at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 17:49:54 GMT 2016

Hi Alan

The Larger database is an issue to vtiger+mysql, I had lot of experience on
performance, backup and maintenance.

For one client we stored historical information such as mod-tracker to
another db rather than keeping it into vtiger so history should be consumed
through another application (such as sqlreports).

With performance issue we had to  boost the hardware once,  using RamDrive,
when records went million upwards.

Not sure whether you have had similar experience and provided any
solutions. But I feel we may have to consider the  historical data with
archiving options.

Sutharsan Jeganathan

On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 6:28 PM, Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 01/03/16 12:34, Stacey Johnson wrote:
>> vtiger_sqltimelog - 912 MB
> I'd empty that one! That's a throwback to a setting in
> config.performance.php which is no longer used as far I can tell. This
> table gets massive very quickly.
> vtiger_modtracker_detail - 664 MB
> This one will get pretty big pretty quickly but I would normally be
> interested in row count rather than physical size as that is dependent on
> all sorts of other params.
> vtiger_crmentity - 450MB
> Again - it's really about rows. the problem with this table is the use of
> the description column for emails... (Who thought that was a good idea
> needs their head examining!).
> We have a few customers where a mysqldump file will be more than 2GB. That
> would mean to me that crmenity is around 3million rows and
> modtracker_detail will be over 3 million rows.
> If you use lots of indexes the db will also get bigger.
> Al
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