[Vtigercrm-developers] Large database

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 12:58:07 GMT 2016

On 01/03/16 12:34, Stacey Johnson wrote:
> vtiger_sqltimelog - 912 MB

I'd empty that one! That's a throwback to a setting in 
config.performance.php which is no longer used as far I can tell. This 
table gets massive very quickly.

> vtiger_modtracker_detail - 664 MB

This one will get pretty big pretty quickly but I would normally be 
interested in row count rather than physical size as that is dependent 
on all sorts of other params.

> vtiger_crmentity - 450MB

Again - it's really about rows. the problem with this table is the use 
of the description column for emails... (Who thought that was a good 
idea needs their head examining!).

We have a few customers where a mysqldump file will be more than 2GB. 
That would mean to me that crmenity is around 3million rows and 
modtracker_detail will be over 3 million rows.

If you use lots of indexes the db will also get bigger.


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