[Vtigercrm-developers] Email marketing scenario

Błażej Pabiszczak b.pabiszczak at yetiforce.com
Wed Jul 27 07:56:34 GMT 2016


for me this is just a discussion, if you prefer switching to emails then
I have no problem with that [though this is vtiger engine problem so the
list is the perfect place to discuss it]. I don't intend to anyhow
reduce the value of your module, it's a module like every other module,
I only want to talk about the logic, and point out some problems... 


We have a module to generate random data [as far as I remember it should
support generating data for vtiger by default as well], if you have any
problems generating the data, I'll gladly send you the module. 

I don't know how your solution works, but if it's based on Full-Text
Search, then you won't get these data, for us it's a significant
limitation for a search tool. 

So your search is not very useful when it comes to large databases? When
you send queries to the database, how many records do you get [50, 100,
1000?], if you for example get 100 records, and the system takes away
the permissions on all records [because the record that the user can
access is on the 2000th place], then will you show the user that no data
was found? The History of Changes widget on the homepage works like that
right now - the bigger the base and the less data the user sees, the
more often he sees nothing at all in the history of changes. If the
mechanism works in the way I described [and I hope I'm wrong] then it
has no business value because it falsifies the result. 

As far as large number of users and test data are concerned, I'm trying
to show you that it doesn't matter if your search engine works fast on
large databases or not, because Vtiger as a whole doesn't work well with
large databases. I'll give you an example: in what way does vtiger
transfer data to select type fields? It transfers data by sending html,
instead of sending queries at AJAX database level and sending the users
list directly there. Additionally, it uses Chosen instead of Select2;
Select 2 is five times faster when it comes to large amounts of data [eg
10,000]. When you load 20,000 users in vtiger then one field will take
SEVERAL SECONDS to load. There are hundreds of examples like this, and
they result from the fact that nobody has deployed this system for a
large company [I don't mean 100 users, I mean 2,000 - 20,000 users]. 

For the system to work properly it's not enough that you change the
global search engine, you also have to change the logic and the core...
because the changes are related to hundreds of files. So my question is
- do you want to develop the system on at the highest level as
developers, or do you want to make toy modules for micro companies? The
core needs changes, and they must be introduced to code.vtiger.com,
instead of trying to find a solution by implementing modules, because it
can't work like that!

Z poważaniem / Regards 

_Chief Executive Officer_ 
M: +48.884999123
E: b.pabiszczak at yetiforce.com 

YetiForce 3.0 LTS has arrived! Test [1] the latest, most innovative open
source system in the world, and join [2] our community. 

W dniu 2016-07-26 16:42, Alan Bell napisał(a):

> On 26/07/16 15:10, Błażej Pabiszczak wrote: 
>> * Can you fill some test system with data, eg. Add 10.000.000 records into the Accounts module?
> yeah, I might have a go at that. I guess numbered data and some random stuff should be fairly easy to generate. I am not expecting it to affect the performance much.
>> 2. Does your search engine allow to search parts of words, eg. I want to search for "EFG" in the word "ABCDEFGHI"?
> it should do, yes but there may be a performance hit for putting a wildcard at the start of the query. Looking at it now, I am not entirely sure we are handling wildcards correctly, but the underlying engine should work with them.
>> 3. Can you add 10.000 users to the tested system?
> won't make any different to the search performance as such - however when we get the search results back we do a vtiger API query to see if each crmid should  be seen by the current user, that way you can't find things that are private and assigned to other people. I am not sure if that scales to 10,000 users however if it doesn't then list views in vtiger don't work either!
> ---
> Z poważaniem / Regards 
> _Chief Executive Officer_ 
> M: +48.884999123
> E: b.pabiszczak at yetiforce.com 
> -------------------------
> YetiForce 3.0 LTS has arrived! Test [1] the latest, most innovative open source system in the world, and join [2] our community. 
> W dniu 2016-07-20 14:32, Alan Lord napisał(a): 
> On 20/07/16 11:50, Alan Bell wrote: 
> 3. Does the search engine need any special search attributes?
> not really, we do get a bit of a query language for free by using
> elastic search, but these are users who just want to type in words or
> phone numbers or dates and have the system find stuff.

For anyone interested, you can try it out on our demo server:


Just start typing anything in the normal search box at the top of any

After three characters it will start sending stuff to the Elasticsearch
server and displaying results in a popup.

If you want to you can go to the Vlastic Search view, which shows
multiple ListViews of results on the same page with pagination too.


This demo system has about 120,000 records in it but it could have lots

The manual explains some of the search language capabilities, such as
AND, OR, parenthesis, wildcards etc...

But if you type in "smith" it will find all records that has the word
smith in them somewhere.

If you wanted to find something like smithfields (a meat market in
London) you could type smith* or smithf* for example.






[1] https://gitdeveloper.yetiforce.com/
[2] https://github.com/YetiForceCompany/YetiForceCRM
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