[Vtigercrm-developers] Changing default view for all users

Preexo preexo at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 14 08:19:16 GMT 2016

Preexo wrote
> I just gave it a try, unfortunately the setDefault doesn't do much for me,
> because changing the setdefault before by hand already didn't do anything.
> Your modifications basically just do what I tried by hand before.

I looked deeper into this... When my user goes on
"index.php?module=Accounts&view=List" for example, I debugged the method
`isPermittedCustomView` in the class `CustomView` and it seems that
$_REQUEST does not contain any action. Which makes sense to me, because
there is no action, but because there is no action in the $_REQUEST
variable, the user does not get the public default view by default.
Can any of the vtiger developers help me to understand why the action is
made a requirement for this and if my $_REQUEST is just missing something

Thanks for any help!

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