[Vtigercrm-developers] security issue with multiple vtigers on the same host

Alan Bell alan.bell at libertus.co.uk
Wed Jan 13 14:15:13 GMT 2016


if you have multiple vtigers on one host then they all share the same 
scope for the PHP session, which means if you have two vtigers 
configured like this:

username=admin, uid=1, password="foo"

username=admin, uid=1, password="bar"

you can log in to foo, then switch your browser URL to go into the 
vtiger called bar and you will be logged in with admin access without 
knowing the password for that system. Works for any matching userid, but 
we know that the admin user always matches so it is easy to demonstrate 
with that.

This is because the includes/main/WebUI.php doesn't check the session 
application unique id, so it doesn't validate that the session is for 
the current vtiger
line 39 of includes/main/WebUI.php should be something like:
             if ($userid && 
vglobal('application_unique_key')==$_SESSION['app_unique_key']) {

if some kind of single sign on between multiple instances is actually 
the desired behavior then make the application unique id in the 
config.inc.php match in both systems.


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