[Vtigercrm-developers] reset min-height?

Lennart van Ballegoij lennart at egmmedia.nl
Sat Jan 9 02:11:34 GMT 2016

Hi Alan,

Wouldn't it just be an option to add a !important min-height:0; css line to
your module template ?
This might also be a bit hacky but i think it's a way better option that
resetting the min-height everytime the data is retrieved.

Hope this might have helped.

Kind Regards,


2016-01-08 16:32 GMT+01:00 Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com>:

> In layouts/vlayout/Vtiger/header.js and in app.js are functions which
> calculate and update the min-height attributes of the bodyContents,
> mainContainer and contentsDiv divs.
> In a module I am writing, when I use Ajax to redraw the contents within
> the mainContainer div, one or more of these functions are recalculating the
> min-height but it is incrementing each time the dom is written to with the
> new data irrespective of whether the data being written is heigher than the
> previous contents or not - so consequently the page gets longer and longer
> with every write.
> I am using jQuery('.mycontainerclass').parent().html(data); to redraw the
> contents. The parent() of mycontainerclass is the mainContainer div.
> Any suggestions as to how to stop the height from growing? (Other than
> setting them all to 0 and getting it recalculated afterwards which seems
> bit hacky...
> jQuery('.bodyContents').css('min-height', 0);
> jQuery('.mainContainer').css('min-height', 0);
> jQuery('.contentsDiv').css('min-height', 0);
> app.setContentsHeight();
> Thanks
> Al
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