[Vtigercrm-developers] Happy New Year

Preexo preexo at googlemail.com
Thu Feb 25 06:05:33 GMT 2016

Viewing this years hacksummit.org, I came across this talk which is about the
future of open source: http://ccst.io/e/hacksummit-2016/7 if you are not
insterested in nodejs development, I suggest watching from Minute 40, which
is in general about Open Source projects.

I agree with most of what is being said in this talk, but I again feel very
worried if I compare the guidelines from the talk with the open source
project vtiger. It reveals so clearly again how vtiger is actually not open
really. At least not as open as the ideal open source project from that
talk. Maybe vtiger can improve at this end someday a bit... Changing from
svn to Gitlab was a great move and has increased collaborations and
activity, but there is room for improvement. Especially topics like:
"Consesus-seeking for everything" and "New contributors get equal ownership
and a seat at the decision making table". This would only be possible if the
open source project becomes an independent project from the vtiger on demand
with a independent group of people looking after the project, but not the
company vtiger. Or if the on demand and the open source project would be
merged again. The way it is now, vtiger is making decisions for the on
demand which will have later influence on the open source, we got no say in
nothing... Am I wrong, am I right?

I just thought I share this. All other talks are very good quality too
btw... Worth watching them all...

View this message in context: http://vtiger-crm.2324883.n4.nabble.com/Vtigercrm-developers-Happy-New-Year-tp18061p18507.html
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