[Vtigercrm-developers] VTiger Extension Module create custom field for Invoice Module

Lennart van Ballegoij lennart at egmmedia.nl
Wed Feb 3 14:45:21 GMT 2016

Thanks for the tip, i forgot about the version number!

I've wondered about the same thing, but so far it seems like the field
doesn't get created on update at all.
I'm starting to wonder if it's even possible to create the field on a
update event... :/

So far i've had no luck in creating the field on update, i'm almost 100%
sure that i'm doing the field creation right, because it does work on a
fresh install of the module.

Really hope someone knows the answer to this.

Thanks in advance,

Kind regards,



2016-02-01 17:10 GMT+01:00 Tim Mohrbach <preexo at googlemail.com>:

> I would have done it the same way, remember to increase the version number
> of the extension in the schema xml file… sry mate I am bad help…
> I have always wondered about this: does it try to create a new field
> everytime it updates the extension or is the addField method tolerant
> enough to ingore the field in case it’s already there?
> On 01.02.2016, at 22:32, Lennart van Ballegoij <lennart at egmmedia.nl>
> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm working on a VTiger 6.4.0 Extenstion Module that sends the invoicedata
> to a 3rd party API.
> I'm trying to create a picklist field in the Invoice module from within my
> module.
> My module was already released and some clients are already using this
> module, so i'll have to create the field on the module update.
> But i can't seem to add the picklist field on module.preupdate or
> module.postupdate of the vtlib_handler in my module.
> If i uninstall/remove my module completely and add the picklist field
> using the module.postinstall of the vtlib_handler it does seem to create
> the field like it's supposed to.
> Why can't i seem to create the field on the update events of the
> vtlib_handler ?
> My code:
>         public function vtlib_handler($moduleName, $eventType) {
>                 if ($eventType == 'module.postinstall') {
>                         $this->createConfigTable();
>                         $this->registerInvoiceEvent();
>                         $this->addSettingsMenu();
>                         $this->addTypeDropdown();
>                 } else if ($eventType == 'module.enabled') {
>                         $this->registerInvoiceEvent();
>                 } else if ($eventType == 'module.disabled') {
>                         $this->deregisterInvoiceEvent($moduleName);
>                 } else if($event_type == 'module.preupdate') {
>                         $this->addSettingsMenu();
>                 } else if($event_type == 'module.postupdate') {
> $this->addTypeDropdown(); //Trying to create my Picklist field here !
> } else if($event_type == 'module.preuninstall') {
>                         $this->deleteConfigTable();
>                         $this->deregisterInvoiceEvent($moduleName);
>                 }
>         }
>         public function addTypeDropdown(){
>             $module = Vtiger_Module::getInstance('Invoice');
>             $blockInstance =
> Vtiger_Block::getInstance('LBL_INVOICE_INFORMATION', $module);
>             $fieldInstance = new Vtiger_Field();
>             $fieldInstance->name = 'typeofinvoice';
>             $fieldInstance->label = 'Soort factuur';
>             $fieldInstance->table = 'vtiger_invoice';
>             $fieldInstance->column = $fieldInstance->name;
>             $fieldInstance->columntype = 'VARCHAR(100)';
>             $fieldInstance->uitype = 15; //15 Staat voor dropdown.
>             $fieldInstance->typeofdata = 'V~M';
>             $fieldInstance->summaryfield = 1; //Display in summaryview.
>             $fieldInstance->setPicklistValues( Array ('Factuur',
> 'Creditfactuur') );
>             $blockInstance->addField($fieldInstance);
>         }
> Hopefully someone can give me a push in the right direction.
> Thanks in advance :)
> Lennart
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