[Vtigercrm-developers] Problem installing 6.5.0

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 14:03:12 GMT 2016

On 15/12/16 13:45, Giuseppe L. [Komenco] wrote:
> Hi all, new here.
> I'm Giu and I'm having problems with the installation of version 6.5.0
> I'm trying to on a dedicated server, and I'm getting problems, not sure
> exactly what's failing.
> I uploaded all files, I started the intsallation wizard, all is ok
> except on requirements where it expects a max_timeout of 0 (??) and I
> have to 600 as wiki. Once I fill database and administrator account
> data, it starts to install but after some seconds installation progress
> bar disappear, and is not doing nothing more.
> If I go again to index.php, login is asked, but can't login.
> 317 tables were created in database but users table is empty

Depending on the speed of your server you *will* need more than 600 

A new and clean vtiger 6.5.0 installation has around 500 tables.

Installation can cake quite a long time. Edit your php.ini and set the 
timeout to 0. The wiki is very old and not kept in sync with the code 
(phpDocumentor anyone?)

> After several database drops and try again, I noticed a hotfix file on
> sourceforge, I uploaded, but with same results.

Ignore the "hotfix". This is already incorporated in the main tarball. 
vtiger have a really *weird* way of managing release versions. 
Basically, they release a version, say 6.5.0. Then if there is a serious 
bug they release a "hotfix" for people who have already installed 6.5.0 
and re-issue the 6.5.0 taball again with the hotfix included for new users.

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