[Vtigercrm-developers] portal password encryption

Manuel Fernando ptdesigner at gmail.com
Mon Apr 25 14:28:23 GMT 2016

Well, but works and would be enough for a start. Like you said.

> No dia 25/04/2016, às 15:20, Alan Bell <alan.bell at libertus.co.uk> escreveu:
> On 25/04/16 15:13, Manuel Fernando wrote:
>> I didn’t test the recover password process with your Changes but seems ok.
> yeah, it works but it sends you a fresh new password, not your existing password (which it can't send). This does mean that someone can repeatedly reset someone else's password if they want to be a pain - fixing that would require some kind of confirmation link processing to be added, which would  be good to have at some point.
> Alan.
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