[Vtigercrm-developers] Q. On Migration script 540_to_600.php

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 09:23:21 GMT 2015

Around line 1180 are a couple of lines that create a new table:

> $sqltimelogTable = "CREATE TABLE vtiger_sqltimelog ( id integer, type VARCHAR(10),

> 					data text, started decimal(18,2), ended decimal(18,2), loggedon datetime)";


> Migration_Index_View::ExecuteQuery($sqltimelogTable, array());

And some way further down this script this table's columns are modified 
a bit:

> Migration_Index_View::ExecuteQuery('ALTER TABLE vtiger_sqltimelog MODIFY started DECIMAL(20,6)', array());

> Migration_Index_View::ExecuteQuery('ALTER TABLE vtiger_sqltimelog MODIFY ended DECIMAL(20,6)', array());

But, other than that I find no other reference to this table anywhere 
apart from one line in include/database/PearDatabase.php:203 which 
indicates it is used by the performance pref: SQL_LOG_INCLUDE_CALLER.

However, in all _new_ installations of vtiger, from 6.0.0 onwards I do 
not find this table to be present.

I often wondered what that setting was for in config.performance.php. 
But it seems as though it will never be used in any version other than a 
system migrated from 5.4.0 to 6.0.0.

When this table does exist and you enable that setting it makes things 
*very* slow. And I think that that table is likely to get very large 
very quickly...


On 18/09/15 09:41, Alan Lord wrote:
> Around line 800 is a bit of code to move FAQ comments to the Mod
> Comments table:
>>         Migration_Index_View::ExecuteQuery('UPDATE vtiger_crmentity
>> SET modifiedtime = ?, smcreatorid = ?, modifiedby = ? WHERE crmid = ?',
>>             array($modComments->column_fields['createdtime'], '6',
>> '6', $modComments->id));
> My question is why is the smownerid and creatorid are being set to "6"?
> That seems a fairly random choice for a user id?
> Al
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