[Vtigercrm-developers] performance when using custom sharing rules

Alan Bell alan.bell at libertus.co.uk
Thu Sep 17 11:19:01 GMT 2015

Hi all,

if you have a bunch of custom sharing rules (about 20 role to role 
rules) and a bunch of users (I have about 150) you will find that 
recalculating the sharing access is quite slow and logging on for the 
first time takes a while after the dialog asking for your language and 
date format preferences. This is because it does a *heap* of work to 
recalculate the user_privileges/sharing_privileges_$id.php file, or 
specifically after it does that it populates the vtiger_tmp_* tables 
with a load of stuff defining the relationship of your user to every 
other user and role combination. It does an astonishing number of inserts.

To fix this, you can wrap the population of the temporary tables in a 
transaction, by editing modules/Users/CreateUserPrivilegeFile.php and 
looking around line 390 and putting a start transaction and complete 
transaction around the populateSharingtmptables command, so it looks 
like this:

                         //Populating Temp Tables

and that will make first logon pretty much instant.


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