[Vtigercrm-developers] Delete User destroys Activity History & Comment trail

Stacey Johnson stacey.johnson110 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 11:24:11 GMT 2015

Deleting user can not allow for deleting evidence.  This is still bug.


On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 6:15 PM, Sreenivas Kanumuru <svk at vtiger.com> wrote:

> Alan, This is already addressed in 6.3. Deleted User will be marked as
> inactive, if the 'Delete User Permanently' option is not selected. All the
> updates and comments will remain associated with the deleted user.
> thank you,
> Sreenivas
> On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 2:30 PM, Alan Lord <alanslists at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think this is a fairly big bug but it needs some discussion...
>> Our customer has just asked about their process when they have churn with
>> employees in their business (churn in this case means multiple people
>> leaving and joining their business, e.g. staff turnover).
>> We've had a bit of staff churn recently and I've struggled to keep up
>>> with the data re-assigning. We used to delete a user when they left and
>>> re-assign everything to admin. This was really straightforward as the
>>> system did all the hard work for you in the background. However, we soon
>>> realised that this messed with the audit trail in the "View history" and it
>>> changed the owner of the comment to admin so you couldn't tell who had made
>>> the notes. We changed our process to making the user inactive and then
>>> manually re-assigning the records. This take a while and there is a lot of
>>> room for human error. Is there a quicker way of doing this that I'm missing
>>> or something at point of deleting a user that maintains the audit trail?
>> It seems to me that when you delete a user from vtiger somehow the data
>> in ModTracker needs to retain the fact that that earlier changes were made
>> by that user (a new field to hold the User's name rather than their ID?),
>> and *not* the user you have just re-assigned everything too. The same goes
>> for comments too.
>> Secondly, he makes a valid point about making a user Inactive instead...
>> There should probably be an option to re-assign related records when making
>> a user Inactive...
>> This customer is using 5.4.0 but I suspect the same issues apply with
>> 6.3.0.
>> Discuss.
>> Al
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