[Vtigercrm-developers] Barcode system

Doug sailsfast at gmail.com
Tue Sep 8 14:39:11 GMT 2015

Bar code is easy like Alan mentioned.
In this case click on the field you want filled, like upc number, and
shoot; the reader will fill the number automatically.
On Sep 8, 2015 12:59 AM, "Simone Travaglini" <simonetravaglini at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> anyone have a ready solution for barcode?
> 2015-07-21 13:55 GMT+02:00 Alan Bell <alan.bell at libertus.co.uk>:
>> barcode readers generally appear to computers as being USB keyboards that
>> type stuff, zapping a couple of toner cartridge boxes I have lying about
>> types this:
>> 5055628402694
>> 821831064739
>> so, if you put the barcode in the product name field (or at the start of
>> it at any rate) then in a quote or sales order you should be able to go to
>> the item name field in a line item, zap the box and it will find the item
>> for you.
>> would be nice if the typeahead in the line item name field searched on
>> product code as well as product name.
>> Alan.
>> On 21/07/15 12:41, Greg Vas wrote:
>> How to make a barcode system like this:
>> 1) Scan a barcode and connect with a product i have. (Maybe put it in the
>> serial number field in product module?)
>> 2) Put the barcode anywhere (eg. in the invoice) and appear the product
>> Generally i want to connect the barcode number with the product and play
>> from there.
>> Is there any barcode solution or go to something else (erp/crm product)
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> --
> Simone Travaglini
> 328 5499846
> Linkedin: Simone Travaglini
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