[Vtigercrm-developers] Help about Workflow

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Sun Sep 6 14:45:42 GMT 2015

On 06/09/15 14:27, Ranieri wrote:
> I am  beginner for code of  vtiger.

You will have quite a steep learning curve then ;-)

> How I can read access any documentation for trigger?
> Code for trigger or JQuery is possible without change a default code?

You write your own JQuery class and, as I said before, load it in your 
own module via a HEADERSCRIPT link. (Hint, create an Extension module 
using the vtlib API).

> I plan use a Workflow and not changed a default code.

You can't use a Workflow to change anything *before* a save.


Libertus Solutions

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