[Vtigercrm-developers] Control of Columns in Calendar related List?

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Fri Sep 4 08:22:13 GMT 2015

So I managed to hide the Recurrence column in the related list by 
commenting out the reference to it in the $list_fields and 
$list_fields_name arrays in Activity.php.

*BUT* there is an empty column inserted in the Headers and columns after 
the date_start column and I can't work out where it is coming from... In 
the headers it is a blank <th></th> in the td rows it has a

><td ... data-field-type="time"> </td>

There is some nasty code in the RelatedList.tpl

>{foreach item=HEADER_FIELD from=$RELATED_HEADERS}
>  <th nowrap>
>      {if $HEADER_FIELD->get('column') eq 'access_count' or $HEADER_FIELD->get('column') eq 'idlists' }
>          <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="noSorting">{vtranslate($HEADER_FIELD->get('label'), $RELATED_MODULE->get('name'))}</a>

>     {elseif $HEADER_FIELD->get('column') eq 'time_start'}
So this just creates an empty blank column????
If you move this *outside* the opening <th> tag as as a standalone {if} 
it removes the column - why create an empty column which just takes up 
valuable whitespace?

>     {else}
>          <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="relatedListHeaderValues" data-nextsortorderval="{if $COLUMN_NAME eq $HEADER_FIELD->get('column')}{$NEXT_SORT_ORDER}{else}ASC{/if}" data-fieldname="{$HEADER_FIELD->get('column')}">{vtranslate($HEADER_FIELD->get('label'), $RELATED_MODULE->get('name'))}
>                                       {if $COLUMN_NAME eq $HEADER_FIELD->get('column')}<img class="{$SORT_IMAGE}">{/if}
>          </a>
>      {/if}
>  </th>

Ditto for the <td>s below it in the template file...


On 01/09/15 15:47, Alan Lord wrote:
> vtiger 6.3.
> How do I remove the "Recurrence" column from the related list?
> It's not using the Summaryfield setting as does all other modules...

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