[Vtigercrm-developers] Customer Portal - filter records

IT-Solutions4You info at its4you.sk
Tue Oct 27 11:10:51 GMT 2015


Module and Access control

List of modules that are to be shown to the Portal user. You can enable 
or disable these modules. Disable the modules that you don’t want your 
Portal users to have access on it. To reorder the modules menu just drag 
and drop the module where you want it to place.
Clicking on a module will take the user to Portal fields and privileges.

Then see: https://wiki.vtiger.com/vtiger6/index.php/Picklist_Editor
Assigning Roles

Vtiger CRM gives you the flexibility to grant or revoke access to 
picklist values through Picklist Editor. When you assign or disable 
picklist values to a selected role, changes will be affected across all 
users in that role.


Dňa 27. 10. 2015 o 11:55 Stacey Johnson napísal(a):
> anybody?
> xxx  :-)
> On Sat, Oct 24, 2015 at 9:14 AM, Stacey Johnson
> <stacey.johnson110 at gmail.com
> <mailto:stacey.johnson110 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     What is the way to pre filter records shown in customer portal?
>     Need to limit records visibility to the particular value of picklist
>     Tnx, Stacey
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