[Vtigercrm-developers] code.vtiger.com is live!

Prasad prasad at vtiger.com
Tue Oct 20 05:53:28 GMT 2015

Dear members,

We are happy to introduce code.vtiger.com - our new development repository
and issue tracker. It is powered by gitlab
<https://about.gitlab.com/features/#community> (thanks for the wonderful

We have setup the projects under vtiger <http://code.vtiger.com/u/vtiger>

   - vtiger/vtigercrm <http://code.vtiger.com/vtiger/vtigercrm> (6.4.0
   version onwards)
   - vtiger/customerportal <http://code.vtiger.com/vtiger/customerportal>
   (6.4.0 version onwards)

Please send us an email at [info @ vtiger.com] if you need an account at
(this hopefully help us fight spam signups - while we get started on).

With this account you will be able to:

   - Browser, fork and collaborate with projects available.
   - Report Issues and get updates.
   - Create new Vtiger based extension projects.

*NOTE: trac.vtiger.com <http://trac.vtiger.com> - which served us until now
will be in read-only mode.*

Kindly use code.vtiger.com to report issues and follow updates.

Vtiger Team
FB <http://www.facebook.com/vtiger> I Twit <http://twitter.com/vtigercrm> I
LIn <https://www.linkedin.com/company/1270573?trk=tyah> I Blog
<https://blogs.vtiger.com> I Website <https://www.vtiger.com/>
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