[Vtigercrm-developers] Another Migration Bug...

IT-Solutions4You info at its4you.sk
Fri Oct 16 07:46:57 GMT 2015

+ Another bug:

in vtiger6.zip
line 806
$label = $labelInfo[$row['crmid']];
should by
$label = decode_html($labelInfo[$row['crmid']]);

In many EU country (German, France, Italy, Slovak, Chzech, Polands, 
Hungary, .....) we use special chars so its necessary use decode_html() 
function everywhere.

Is there any interface where can we track all issues with migration and 
add our solutions? We have done many migrations from 5.x to 6.x and each 
migration goes wrong. We also saw many wrong 6.x installations, the 
clients reports to us isseu with our extensions, but the problem was 
wrong 6.x migration. I suppose clear 5->6 migartion is very important 
part for vtiger Open Source too.

I read all Alan emails arround mirgations bug, but yeah, first after 2 
years someone from vtiger answer it.


Dňa 16. 10. 2015 o 8:40 Alan Lord napísal(a):
> On 16/10/15 06:46, Uma S wrote:
>> Hi Alan,
>> I have updated the logic to handle empty block-label for events and
>> calendar module in above mentioned trac
>> <http://trac.vtiger.com/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/ticket/8641> ticket. Please do
>> have a look and update me your observations.
> Thanks Uma,
> That looks better - I will test it as soon as I get chance.
> Alan
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