[Vtigercrm-developers] performance and profiling

lajeesh k lajeeshk at gmail.com
Tue Oct 6 08:36:22 GMT 2015

applied to_html changes, still detail view taking 20 seconds to load page.
summery view loading quickly

I have used xdebud and webgrind for profiling. I am a newbie in profiling
while checking vtranslate function inside
Vtiger_Field_Model->getPicklistValues is one of the reason for this slownes
I have attached webgrind screenshot, it might help someone to identify the


On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 10:25 PM, lajeesh k <lajeeshk at gmail.com> wrote:

> seems these suggestions from Alan is not included in vtiger 6.3.
> when i used xdebug profiling, this to_html function is called 226985
> times. calling this function increases as number of records increases
> I couldn't understand how to apply these changes by Alan and Sivakumar.if
> Anyone can provide these modified file for vtiger 6.3, then it will be
> really helpfull
> Regards,
> Lajeesh
> On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 6:23 PM, SivaKumar J <sivakumar.j at vtiger.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Alan,
>> Thank you very much for your contribution on to_html() function calls to
>> improve performance.
>> After analyzing to_html() function, we got that some of those checks what
>> we are checking in that are not required any more in Vtiger6.
>> at line 366
>>> *if($_REQUEST['module'] != 'Settings' && $_REQUEST['file'] != 'ListView'
>>> && $_REQUEST['module'] != 'Portal' && $_REQUEST['module'] != "Reports")//
>>> && $_REQUEST['module'] != 'Emails')*
>>> *        $ajax_action = $_REQUEST['module'].'Ajax';*
>> The above check is to identify whether the current request is AJAX or
>> not. If so, we are setting that as *$_REQUEST['module'].'Ajax'. *But,
>> there are not AJAX file in Vtiger6 in that structure. So, we don't need
>> this.
>> at line 371
>>> *if($action != 'CustomView' && $action != 'Export' && $action !=
>>> $ajax_action && $action != 'LeadConvertToEntities' && $action !=
>>> 'CreatePDF' && $action != 'ConvertAsFAQ' && $_REQUEST['module'] !=
>>> 'Dashboard' && $action != 'CreateSOPDF' && $action != 'SendPDFMail' &&
>>> (!isset($_REQUEST['submode'])) )*
>>> *    {*
>>> *        $doconvert = true;*
>>> *    }*
>> In this check, except "Export"  we don't have any actions like what we
>> are comparing, so no need of this comparision. Earlier there is an action
>> called Export for Exporting record in Vtiger5.4.0, but now we are using
>> ExportData.php for this action. While Exporting record, at
>> *modules/Vtiger/actions/ExportData.php* we are sanitizing all values
>> which will decode those values with decode_html() on line 243. So, there is
>> no use of encoding with to_html() for Export as well. We can remove this
>> also. Else, we need to add this here and remove decode_html() where we are
>> doing in sanitize values.
>> After doing all these modification, finally my code is like this.
>> */***
>>> * * Function to decide whether to_html should convert values or not for
>>> a request*
>>> * * @global type $doconvert*
>>> * * @global type $inUTF8*
>>> * * @global type $default_charset*
>>> * */*
>>> *function decide_to_html(){*
>>> *    global $doconvert,$inUTF8,$default_charset; *
>>> *     $action = $_REQUEST['action']; *
>>> *    $inUTF8 = (strtoupper($default_charset) == 'UTF-8'); *
>>> *    $doconvert = true; *
>>    // Need to remove decode_html() which we are doing while exporting
>>> records from list/Detail view on  ExportData.php line 243
>> *  if($action == 'ExportData'){*
>>> *        $doconvert = false; *
>>> *    }*
>>> *}*
>>> // Execute this function when this file got included
>>> *decide_to_html();*
>>> */** Function to convert the given string to html*
>>> *  * @param $string -- string:: Type string*
>>> *  * @param $ecnode -- boolean:: Type boolean*
>>> *  * @returns $string -- string:: Type string*
>>> *  */*
>>> *function to_html($string, $encode=true) {*
>>> *    // For optimization - default_charset can be either upper / lower
>>> case.*
>>> *    global $doconvert,$inUTF8,$default_charset,$htmlCache;*
>>> *    if(is_string($string)) {*
>>> *        // In vtiger5 ajax request are treated specially and the data
>>> is encoded*
>>> *        if ($doconvert == true) {*
>>> *            if(isset($htmlCache[$string])){*
>>> *                $string = $htmlCache[$string];*
>>> *            }else{*
>>> *                if($inUTF8)*
>>> *                    $string = htmlentities($string, ENT_QUOTES,
>>> $default_charset);*
>>> *                else*
>>> *                    $string = preg_replace(array('/</', '/>/', '/"/'),
>>> array('<', '>', '"'), $string);*
>>> *                $htmlCache[$string] = $string;*
>>> *            }*
>>> *        }*
>>> *    }*
>>> *    return $string;*
>>> *}*
>> Please let me know if I missed any thing in here.
>> Thank you
>> On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 6:34 PM, Alan Bell <alan.bell at libertus.co.uk>
>> wrote:
>>> turns out that most of what to_html is processing is very repetitive, if
>>> it just populates an array as it goes along and then checks in that array
>>> it is a lot faster than doing htmlentities on the string every time.
>>> global $htmlcache;//store the stripped HTML as we go along, a lot of the
>>> time we are processing the same strings
>>> function to_html($string, $encode=true)
>>> {
>>>         global $doconvert;
>>>         global $default_charset;
>>>         global $htmlcache;
>>>         if($doconvert){
>>>                 if(isset($htmlcache[$string])){
>>>                     return $htmlcache[$string];
>>>                 }else{
>>>                     $clean= htmlentities($string, ENT_QUOTES,
>>> $default_charset);//we don't care if it is a string or not, faster not to
>>> care
>>>                     $htmlcache[$string]=$clean;
>>>                     return $clean;
>>>                 }
>>>         }else{
>>>                 return $string;
>>>         }
>>> }
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> http://www.vtiger.com/
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Siva
>> Vtiger
>> _______________________________________________
>> http://www.vtiger.com/
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