[Vtigercrm-developers] about new template manager (Vtiger 6.4)

makeyourcloud info at makeyourcloud.com
Thu Nov 12 14:25:41 GMT 2015

Hi Błażej,

Honestly I think you made a bit of confusion, I’m Federico and I'm the main
developer of the MYC team and speak for all the team in this forum, we
offered our collaboration to contribute to the development of the new v7
layout and the fallback structure with the condition that they have to share
the new layout “v7” (I simplified the fallback procedure description in my
previous post because I would just “inspire” Prasad to find the solution!),
we have yet implemented the fallback structure to develop our themes, many
customers use it everyday and no problems with custom modules were reported,
obviously it will surely need a revision but for us and our customers it is
working properly.

Maybe you didn’t read with care all the posts in this thread, we hadn’t
released any free theme for vtiger, you could look at our demo to see our
themes ( http://demo.makeyourcloud.com/vtiger6.3 ) , you will see how we
developed two really responsive layouts with our custom fallback method and
implemented a sort of custom layout change (making our layout as skins, it
was a trick to enable the user to quickly change it) when this feature was
not present yet. 

We are working to a new module that will replace the layout switcher (this
time according to the layout structure, so no fake skin changes but a custom
module to do it and skins will have their original function) with many
advantages like the fallback solution, an user-based layout selection, a
fully responsive layout ( no layout switch required, the layout will adapt
itself to each screen resolution, and you should understand how much work
this need due to the hard tabled structure of many vlayout views) and it
will be fully compatible with the vtiger role/permission system, we
scheduled this release (updating our two themes) by the end of this month.

P.S.: I looked at your bs3 theme and it seems to be really far from the
concept of “responsive”, obviously I know how many hard work you needed to
adapt all the js to work with the new structure, we have a similar project
in progress but with the goal to make a really fully responsive bs3 layout
and it is the main reason why we need the standardization of bs3 css
framework for vtiger and relative extensions.

Kind Regards,
Federico Bempensato,
MakeYourCloud (MYC) Development Team - http://www.makeyourcloud.com 

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