[Vtigercrm-developers] about new template manager (Vtiger 6.4)

makeyourcloud info at makeyourcloud.com
Mon Nov 9 11:32:58 GMT 2015

Hi again,

I agree with you Alan, this will be the best solution possible, but as you
said is a complex change and could require a lot of time to be fully
completed, so we could see this as a goal but at the moment it seems that
interested layout developers need a simple and quick solution to easily make
their products, and the reliability of the layouts could bee good if we use
the same vlayout structure as the base layout, so using the same css
framework (at the moment unfortunately bs2). 

About the layout structure, we don’t want simply extend it, but change the
structure of some files, like making the menu as sidebar or making a good
responsive theme concentrating our effortless touching just the needed files
and not taking care of all the files needed by the layout. 

About the v7 layout, in fact I was not saying that we should use v7 falling
back on vlayout, but we should use v7 as the new default layout with bs3
(extension developers should adapt their extension to the bs3 layout), 
completely replacing the old vlayout then defining bs3 as new default vtiger
css framework.

PS.: About the layout on development, I’ve seen that in the ondemand it
seems to be pretty stable and not a beta version, anyway is there some
repository where we can collaborate on the development of the new v7 layout?
I think many developers will be happy to contribute on it, then maybe with
the right guidelines we could speed up the process and make it fully
responsive for the first release (actually I can see that the ondemand is
not really optimized).

Kind Regards, 
Federico Bempensato, 
MakeYourCloud Development Team - http://www.makeyourcloud.com

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